Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Free Sugar/Vtiger/VTE Comparison - Customer Management and Sales tools

Customer Management Tools VTECRM VTIGER SUGAR
Leads module yes yes yes
Accounts module yes yes yes
Contacts module yes yes yes
Visit Report module yes no no
Lead conversion to Account/Contact/Opportunity yes yes yes
Lead conversion to other objects (note, call, task...) no no yes
Creating a contact from vCard no no yes
Mapping customized fields for Lead conversion yes yes no
Accounts hierarchy yes yes yes
History of activities and communication yes yes yes
Address geolocation on map yes yes no

The equipment for the management of potential and actual customers is basically the same. All three Sugar, Vtiger and VTE make a distinction between the company and the person: Leads, Organizations/Accounts and Contacts modules. The Lead conversion is automatic (through a button) and the fields, if mapped, move into the new objects. Only Sugar allows to convert a Lead into something else (a note, a call, a task…) but in the other hand it does not allow the customized field mapping.
Features in common are: activities and communication (emails) can be saved and attached to the customer sheet; a hierarchy of companies (like headquarter and branches) can be defined by specific fields.
In VTE and Vtiger, addresses can be geolocated on map. VTE has also a module called Report Visit. Sugar provides a nice feature: creating a new contact from a vCard.

Sales & Administration tools VTECRM VTIGER SUGAR
Opportunities/Potentials module yes yes yes
Quotes module yes yes no
Sales Orders module yes yes no
Purchase Orders module yes yes no
Invoices module yes yes no
Delivery Notes module yes no no
Vendors module yes yes no
Forecast tools on opportunities no no no
Quick guided creation of quote>order>invoice...
by steps
yes yes no
Detailed product rows yes yes no
Individual/group tax modality yes yes no
Exporting and printing quotes/orders/invoices Pdf, Rtf Pdf no
Customized PDF templates yes no no
Recurring invoices yes yes no

The sales & administration area is very similar and complete in Vtiger and VTE, while in Sugar is almost absent. Sugar offers only the Opportunity module: sadly, there is nothing more to say about it.
For the other two software, the modules involved are Opportunities, Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Delivery Note (VTE only), Vendors and Purchase Orders. Both systems have a quick, pre-compiled creation of these steps (for example: I generate a Sale Order from a Quote, the CRM automatically shows me the content and I have just to modify it if necessary). Both allow me to compile a detailed product row with description, comment, quantity, discounts, taxes, etc.
Neither Vtiger nor VTE have forecast tools, like information about competitors, profit margin, budget, etc.
With both system I can print the documents in PDF format. The only remarkable difference is that VTE allows me to customize a limited number of print templates, while Vtiger does not at all.

The comparison work is based on
All three the versions are free and downloadable from their official sites.

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